This map can be downloaded and used on a digital device or it can be printed off. There are also various points where you can pick up copies around Scarborough including Woodend, Scarborough Art Gallery, Rotunda Museum and Scarborough Library . If you need a copy sent to you or in a different format, then please contact us.
The idea is that it can be used anywhere, by a window, in your room, on the bus, in a park, in a cafe or garden. It uses Scarborough as an example, but you could change the location to where you live or like to visit.
Accompanying the map is a viewfinder, use this to frame views differently, and see how shapes, objects change when looking at them through a different lens.
A video at the bottom of the page shows you how to fold the map and cut out the view finder.
Map designed by Ellie Shipman.
Download your own map here: